


Calder Lodge School provides places for up to 48 pupils aged 5 to 11. The policy of Calder Lodge School is that the same procedure is followed in respect of all pupils referred by Local Authorities for placement.  The school caters for pupils with education health care plans related to social-emotional and mental health difficulties and will consider pupils from 5 to 11 subject to a successful interview process.

Admission Criteria

  • Pupils will be aged between 5 and 11 years.
  • All pupils will have a EHCP.
  • The EHCP will specify that the pupil has SEMH needs or other additional needs.
  • Pupils may have specific or generalised learning difficulties.
  • There might be exceptional circumstances in which a pupil is admitted for a formal assessment by the LA.

Admissions Process

All pupils admitted to Calder Lodge School will have been initially referred by their LA.  If, after reviewing the information provided, the school believes that the pupil meets the admission criteria, arrangements will be made with the LA for the parents / carers and pupil to visit the school.  The interview will include a tour of the school and a meeting at which the school policies and curriculum are discussed.  Visitors will have the opportunity to ask any questions they may have.  Parents / carers also have a chance to view the school while it is in session, ask questions and gain as much information as possible.  Similarly they need to feel positive about the prospect of their son or charge attending Calder Lodge School.  The interview will be supported by a visit to the prospective pupil’s home by a member of the Senior Leadership Team where any additional matters can be discussed within the pupil’s home environment if deemed necessary.

If, following these visits, all concerned are agreed that the pupils’ needs can be met at the school and that the pupil and parent / carers are committed to the placement, arrangement will be made for admission.

The interview is a vitally important stage in the admission process.  It is an opportunity to find out more about the prospective pupil’s family placement, background, behaviours in the home setting and home area.  It is important to know if he has committed offences.  It is also an opportunity to get to know the pupil on a personal level.

It is crucial to ascertain the pupil’s response to the school and assess whether it is likely (s)he would “fit in”.  It is important that the pupil feels comfortable and responds positively to the school environment, having been shown around by a pupil / staff member.  A pupil handbook provides information about the school to take away.  Ultimately it is necessary for the interviewee to want to be in school, and to feel positive about a future at Calder Lodge School.  Should the prospective pupil be particularly negative about the school and future attendance, a further visit can be planned or the application withdrawn by mutual agreement.

Should agreement be reached, a place will be offered at the request of the LA.

The school will provide each pupil a pupil handbook, a school uniform and there will be an induction process.

The school will provide to each parent / carer details of Calder Lodge School and a school prospectus. An admissions register is maintained by the school as per DfE regulations.

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by Calder Lodge School


Animal nutrition at Farmer Parrs

Fairsnape had a fantastic visit to Farmer Parrs for Cultural Capital this week as part of our Animal nutrition topic in Science. The children were introduced to herbivores, omnivores and carnivores on the farm and discussed what their diet consisted of. The children also learned about the differences between feeding animals in captivity compared to […]

by Calder Lodge School


Bleasdale Class went on an awesome school trip to Beacon Fell

Bleasdale Class went on an awesome school trip to Beacon Fell, and it was all about stepping back in time to ancient Rome! The whole day was filled with fun, learning, and a lot of imagination. As soon as we arrived, we got into character—some of us were senators, others were centurions, soldiers, and even […]

by Calder Lodge School


Ribchester Roman Museum (01.10.2024)

Calder and Fairsnape classes joined forces to enable a trip to Ribchester Roman Museum. The classes have been learning about the Roman Empire and Emporers.   The museum curator helped to bring ancient history to life.  The pupils were able to handle artefacts such as excavated pots and ancient oil lamps.  All of the children […]

by Calder Lodge School


The Great Fire of London (25.09.2024)

Oaklenclough Class had a fantastic time visiting the local fire station. They enjoyed showcasing their knowledge of The Great Fire of London and asking lots of fabulous questions about how the equipment is used to put out fires.  They were able to explore a fire engine and even got to sit inside. They looked at all the different equipment used to […]

by Calder Lodge School



Cultural Capital Trip – 18.9.24 Supermarket trip. On our cultural capital trip we took a trip to the supermarket to purchase different types of fruits and vegetables. This links well with our current topic Scrumdiddlyumtious which focuses on exploring different food, where it comes from and following instructions such as recipes. Children shopped for different […]

by Calder Lodge School


Bleasdale Trip to the Ribchester Roman Museum

On the 17th September Bleadale visited Ribchester Museum to learn more about Roman history. The museum is located in the village of Ribchester, which used to be a Roman fort.  As soon as we arrived, we were excited to see the old artefacts and explore the displays. The museum had lots of interesting objects like […]

by Calder Lodge School


Soul bowl

Soul Bowl, Morecambe September 2024 Today’s Culture Capital trip involved Calder class visiting Soul Bowl in Morecambe.  This was a new experience for some of the pupils. The children who had been bowling before volunteered to share their knowledge with the inexperienced pupils.  They offered advice about the appropriate sized bowling balls to use and […]

by Calder Lodge School


Sports day 15/07/2024

Amazing time had by the whole school at sports day.

by Calder Lodge School


Finding Nemo….

As part of our coastline topic we paid a visit to Blackpool Sea Life Centre as part of our Cultural Capital experience. Children enjoyed looking at all the fish and were even able to touch a Mermaid Purse! They listened well to the staff who informed them all about these. We discussed how the fish […]

by Calder Lodge School


Oakenclough class at the Trim trail.

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by Calder Lodge School


Norman conquest at Beacon fell

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by Calder Lodge School


Tapestry and Castle visit 

Bleasdale class went on an education visit to look at some examples of Tapestry and for a walk around Kendal Castle. Completing these 2 activities creates a strong link to the class project about 1066. Whilst at the Tapestry the students became familiar with how each image told a story but most importantly they can […]

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