Upcoming Events

Wednesday 8th January 2025FairsnapeSupermarket visit & Prom walk- MorecambeSupermarket visit
Tuesday 14th January 2025CalderOrienteering – Williamson’s ParkBilly Bobs
Wednesday 15th January 2025Nicky NookGarden Centre to buy plants & Park (Bamber Bridge).Billy Bobs (Park Back up)
Tuesday 21st January 2025BleasdaleBleasdale walkre-arrange for another date and complete activity book in school
Wednesday 22nd January 2025OakencloughNature walk Brock bottom- Collect signs of seasonsBilly Bobs
Tuesday 28th January 2025CalderIn School – Life Skills 
Wednesday 29th January 2025ParlickAnimal care- educational visitRibby Hall animals (if animal care is not suitable)
Tuesday 4th February 2025BleasdaleHoghton bottomsunder shelter so should not need an alternative
Wednesday 5th February 2025FairsnapePig and Whistle- Pizza making 
Tuesday 11th February 2025CalderOrienteering – Beacon FellBilly Bobs
Wednesday 12th February 2025Nicky NookBlackpool ZooSea Life Centre
Tuesday 25th February 2025BleasdaleRiver trust at Brock Valleynear to school so can come back and complete activity booklet if needed
Wednesday 26th February 2025Oakenclough Billy Bobs
Tuesday 4th March 2025CalderWalk – Brock BottomBowling
Wednesday 5th March 2025ParlickWildlife Oasis MilnthorpeBilly Bobs play area
Tuesday 11th March 2025BleasdaleBlackburn activity canal centre 
Wednesday 12th March 2025Fairsnape Garden centre
Tuesday 18th March 2025CalderIn School – Life Skills 
Wednesday 19th March 2025Nicky NookGeography Skills 
Tuesday 25th March 2025BleasdaleScorton picnic area mapnear to school so can come back and complete activity booklet if needed
Wednesday 26th March 2025Oakenclough  

Past Cultural Capital events-Autumn term 2024

10th Sept- Calder- Soul Bowl

11th Sept- Fairsnape- Farm visit- learning about animal nutrition

17th Sept- Bleasdale- Ribchester Roman Museum learning about Roman Impact

18th Sept- Nicky Nook- Supermarket visit

24th Sept- Calder- Blackpool Zoo

25th Sept- Oakenclough- Fire station visit

1st October- Beacon Fell 

1st Oct- Fairsnape & Calder- Ribchester Roman Museum learning about Roman Impact

2nd Oct- Parlick- Blackpool Zoo- Dinosaur Experience

15th Oct- Bleasdale- Blackpool Sealife Centre exploring classification

16th Oct- Nicky Nook- Pizza making @Pig and Whistle

SMSC Events

Roald Dahl Day– 13th September

Fitness Day will run from the 16th-20th of September where fitness will be celebrated in PE lessons across the week

British Food Fortnight– 20th September – 6th October

MacMillan Cake morning– 27th September

Poetry Day– 3rd October

Rosh Hashanah– 4th October

Mental Health Day– 10th October

Yom Kippur– 11th October

Sukkot 16th– 23rd October

Half term

Tuesday 5th November- Pig and Whistle (pizza making) Calder

Wednesday 6th November- Billy Bob’s Play Area- Oakenclough

Tuesday 12th November- Beacon Fell- Bleasdale

Wednesday 13th November-  Supermarket and Forton Play Park  – Parlick

Frdiay15th November- Children in Need Day

Tuesday 19th November- Beacon Fell- Calder

Wednesday 20th November-  Beacon Fell  – Fairsnape

Tuesday 26th November- Scorton Picnic Site and village- Bleasdale

Wednesday 27th November-  Beacon Fell  – Nicky Nook

Tuesday 3rd December- Calder TBC

Wednesday 4th December-    – Oakenclough TBC

Monday 9th December- Lancaster Museum- Bleasdale

Wednesday 11th December- Ribby Hall Reindeers   – Parlick

12th December- Christmas Jumper Day– 

School reward trips- w/c 16th December

Christmas Lunch buffets– Wednesday 18th & Thursday 19th December

What's new

Latest News

by Calder Lodge School


Animal care Lancaster-29.01.25

A message from our host Steph: It was a pleasure to welcome you and your class to Animal Care yesterday! We hope you, the staff, and the children enjoyed the visit. Thank you for your generous donation of £20. Please extend our thanks to Maya, James, Stephen, Obe, Aidan, Brogan, Jensen, and Noah for their […]

by Calder Lodge School


Bleasdale Class Trip: Walk Through Holme Wood to Nicky Nook  4/2/25

On our class trip, Bleasdale Class embarked on an exciting journey through Holme Wood to the summit of Nicky Nook. This was a fantastic opportunity for the children to apply their geography skills in a real-world setting while experiencing the beauty of the natural landscape. Before setting off, the children used a map to carefully […]

by Calder Lodge School


Scrumdiddlyumptious-Pizza making. 05.02.25

Fairsnape had a fantastic visit to the Pig and Whistle as part of our Scrumdiddlyumptioustopic. The children got hands-on experience making their own pizzas—rolling out the dough,selecting fresh ingredients, and adding their favourite toppings. Once prepared, the pizzaswere baked in the oven, and they turned out delicious! Afterwards, everyone enjoyed makingtheir own ice cream, choosing […]

by Calder Lodge School


Hoghton Bottoms River Trip

21st January 2025 Our river trip walk to Hoghton Bottoms was a great success. The Brilliant Bleasdale explored rivers and learnt about meandering rivers, how rocks are pushed down the river and their impact on the riverbed. They also identified both natural and human geography features along the river.  The children followed a stream to […]

by Calder Lodge School


Bug hotel materials search at Beacon Fell. 28.01.25

Oakenclough Class enjoyed a trip to Beacon Fell where they collected natural materials for creating their bug hotel over the coming weeks. The children also spent their time recognising signs of the season, demonstrating their understanding and knowledge of physical features of the environment. They ended their day at the park; what a fun-filled day!

by Calder Lodge School


Scrumdiddlyumptious at Morrisons, 16.01.25

As part of our Scrumdiddlyumptious topic, we are learning about all things food! Fairsnapevisited Morrisons to investigate fruits and vegetables and found out where they are importedfrom. The children learnt that many of the fruits and vegetables that they eat everyday areimported from other countries and learnt the reasons for this. We also made a […]

by Calder Lodge School


Science at the garden centre. 15.01.25

Today, Nicky Nook went to a garden centre to explore plants, which is part of our science topic this term. We also used this opportunity to purchase our own plants for our science experiment later in the term. When at the garden centre we discussed what plants need to survive to help us keep our […]

by Calder Lodge School


Bleasdale class Roman Trip to Lancaster City Museum 09/12/2024

Bleasdale class visited the Lancaster City Museum, and it was an amazing day full of Roman history! The highlight of the trip was Marcus’s incredible presentation about Roman life. He really brought the past to life for us. Marcus showed us lots of Roman artefacts, including weapons, armor, and even a Roman walking pack. It […]

by Calder Lodge School


Professional pizza making

Bleasdale had a fantastic time at the Pig and Whistle learning to make pizza’s to help us with our instructional writing. Each student got their own station with dough, flour, and all the ingredients needed to create their pizzas from scratch. They learned to knead and stretch the dough (which was quite a workout!), spread […]

by Calder Lodge School


Fun with woodcraft and joinery

All pupils have access to our woodland area with well equipped joinery workshop. Pupils can get hands on; contructing thought out dens, learning wookshop safety and woodcraft skills. Pupils take great pride in contructing bespoke pieces.

by Calder Lodge School


Animal nutrition at Farmer Parrs

Fairsnape had a fantastic visit to Farmer Parrs for Cultural Capital this week as part of our Animal nutrition topic in Science. The children were introduced to herbivores, omnivores and carnivores on the farm and discussed what their diet consisted of. The children also learned about the differences between feeding animals in captivity compared to […]

by Calder Lodge School


Bleasdale Class went on an awesome school trip to Beacon Fell

Bleasdale Class went on an awesome school trip to Beacon Fell, and it was all about stepping back in time to ancient Rome! The whole day was filled with fun, learning, and a lot of imagination. As soon as we arrived, we got into character—some of us were senators, others were centurions, soldiers, and even […]

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